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We are built to make mistakes, coded for error.

            —Lewis Thomas



And thank god for mistakes,

our inherent inclination to not do

what we’re supposed to. It’s cellular,


they say. Biological. Evolutionary.

Just two nights ago, my back erred.

Stopped working. Would not stand straight.


Would not sit. No walking. No bending.

No lifting. No twisting. You lay down,

it said. You don’t move. And so for two days,


I’ve watched the sky out the window.

I’ve watched the wall be a wall. I’ve

marveled at the body, how it changes


from go to no in an instant. How

a simple mistake—a lunge to the side—

didn’t seem like a mistake at the time.


And yet, because of it, rest. Because of it,

a quieting. A welcome nothing. The occasion

to know healing. The firm invitation


to learn to say no. How difficult times

help us grow. How mistakes become

game changers, chances for transformation,


the summons to wonder, What am I doing

here anyway? Why am I really here? And

the bravest part of the self steps in to answer.






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