Site icon A Hundred Falling Veils

Self Talk




Even after I turn off the radio

there is a red voice below my gut

that repeats, “You should be very afraid.”


Out the passenger window

I see three elk bedded down

in the snow beneath a spruce,


and then I am past them,

looking up valley at the mountains

where the wind blows the snow


in long white curls off the peaks.

I want to return, I think,

to a different chapter—


but I don’t believe it.

There are no fewer opportunities

now to fall in love,


and there are a whole lot more

chances to be of service.

I tell myself I was born


for exactly this life—

born to see the frosted cottonwood trees

on the valley floor


flood with the low light of morning,

born to meet the fear in my gut

and carry it with me to do brave and beautiful things.



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