Site icon A Hundred Falling Veils

Eight Failings

But remember,
it is by failures that lovers
 stay aware of how they are loved.
Failure is the key
 to the kingdom within. Your prayer should be, “Break the legs 
of what I want to happen. Humiliate 
my desire. Eat me like candy.
It’s spring and finally 
I have no will.”
—Rumi, Mathnawi, III, 4391 – 4472)

both legs broken—
still this desire to crawl
on my hands


wanting to send
a dozen long-stemmed


thrown into the ring


walking five paths
never taking
a single step


pulling back
the veils of the heart—
your footprint


not looking
for an answer—
so she said


beside the sunflowers
naked except
this strand of what ifs


sweet failure

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