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The Inner Cupboard




No one else knows, as they eat the bread,

what’s been slipped into it,

how in with the flour, the yeast, the salt,


a stubborn devotion has slipped in.

It hides in an inner cupboard. Even the baker

doesn’t have the key. But when


she would rather not be loving—

because she is tired, because

she feels wronged, because she’s distracted—


that’s when the cupboard opens itself

and mixes into her the kind of devotion

that cannot be manufactured, the kind


of devotion that rises up not out of duty

but from some mysterious, infinite source

that guides her hands as they knead


the soft dough. It infuses her with a longing

to be big-hearted, a longing to love, even when love

feels unreasonable. She can smell it


as it fills the whole house with its generous

scent. Even now, as they sit and eat the bread,

it astonishes her, how ferocious


this drive to nourish, to love.

They pass the butter, the jam. She smiles

as they eat it together, slice after slice.

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