
Posts Tagged ‘disappearing’

You are the path
beside the stream
and you the snowmelt,
too. You the cumin
in the curried soup,
and you the empty spoon.
You the wreath
of dried flowers hung
on my door, and you the hinge,
the lock, the knob,
the latch, the key,
the draft
that whispers in.
I have wanted you
to be other things
because that is how
I am. But you are
the sky that holds
the moon, and you
are the moon and
the finger that points.
And you are the night
that craves the sun
and then disappears when
so lightly it comes.

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mostly fallen down
the barbed wire fence—
what’s it to the birds?


for the moon—
sound of a heart


that hyacinth leaf—
staring at it until it is
no longer leaf


in the window
the boy waves at himself
saying he won’t stop
until the other boy
stops waving


poet, can you rhyme
with the cherry tree
in spring

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