
Posts Tagged ‘bomb cyclone’





Across the country, blizzards—blizzards

so big that folks speak of bombogenesis

while standing in line in the coffee shop.


And the snow begins to fall, snow

blocks out the sun, snow fills the roads,

the drives, the sills until people begin to forget


who they are when there isn’t a storm.

Imagine the storm goes on.

Imagine that it isn’t snow falling,


but forgiveness. Imagine all those people

rising morning after morning to find

themselves buried in compassion.


Piles of it. Heaps of it. Giant white drifts of it.

It must be dealt with before anything else

can happen. Before people can even


walk out the door, they must lift it

and move it and feel its surprising weight.

Who knew there was so much of it? Who knew


just how completely it could shut things down

if not engaged with properly? It takes some time,

perhaps, before the people see


how beautiful it is, how every single thing

it touches is softened, turned to sparkle,

turned to shine. A disruption, to be sure,


but sometimes it takes a blizzard

to find the calm. Sometimes

we must be stopped


before we learn how to go on.

And the colder it gets, the more

we must work to be warm.

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