
Posts Tagged ‘relationship’

Forever? That’s quite
a promise, but can you
love me now?


On my lips
too many rising kisses
left to dangle


Reaching for your hand
to touch
what doesn’t speak

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That rock that we
have been pushing up
the hill—that one

that keeps rolling back down
and we keep pushing
back up—what if

we stopped? We are not
Sisyphus. This rock
is not a punishment.

It’s something we’ve chosen
to push. Who knows why.
I look at all the names

we once carved into
its sedimentary sides.
How important

I thought they were,
those names. How
I’ve clung to labels,

who’s right, who’s wrong,
how I’ve cared about
who’s pushed harder

and who’s been slack.
Now all I want
is to let the rock

roll back to where it belongs,
which is wherever it lands,
and you and I could,

imagine!, walk unencumbered,
all the way to the top and
walk and walk and never stop

except to discover what
our hands might do
if for once they were


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I can’t grasp it, but I am so very glad.
—Franz Wright, “A Word for Joy”

The weight of love,
it is sometimes,
to the ounce,

the weight of a man
as he rests
his body on yours.

Though if there is sorrow
or sickness in his thoughts,
the gravity can flatten you.

And sometimes it’s
heavier than that, the weight,
as if he first hems his pants

with lead and then
finds his way to your arms.
And sometimes it’s heavier

even than that, as if
the very air in his lungs
has millions of pockets,

all of them filled
with dull
gray stones.

And sometimes
the weight of love
is no weight at all,

is less than a blade
of orchard grass,
less than a note

hummed in quiet rooms,
less than a memory,
less than the scent

of lilac or rose,
more like the light
that lands on the hand

and makes it open
to hold what never
can be held.

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All I want
is to show up

my wrapping,
without a song
I have already sung,

without any words
that I’ve rehearsed,
without this suitcase

of shoulds that for years
I have lugged everywhere.
And when the masks

and clever scripts
and weight come back,
I want to lose them again.

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despite snow
despite cold
though it makes no sense
this heart
still unbuttons its coat

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